Friday, April 17, 2009


As I've been preparing to preach Sunday, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about ways that we settle. Times that we could have so much more, but because we're so easily contented, we settle with far less. For instance, God has promised us fullness of life in Jesus. However, so often I'm content with a half-hearted faith - one that will "get me through" but not mess up my life too much. By my contentedness, I've settled, and I've missed the "all" that God has for me.

The idea, of course, is not new. C.S. Lewis spoke about it in detail in his essay "The Weight of Glory", and Chesterton as well in his classic "Orthodoxy". But how does it work out practically? How can my life not be one that "settles", and how can I encourage friends, family, etc. not to settle as well? I long for a radical faith that believes God at His Word - and at my best times, I believe I do. But far more often, I'm content with far too little. "Content to play in the mud when a holiday at sea is offered" is how Lewis put it, simply because I couldn't possibly fathom what a holiday at the sea could possibly mean.

Despite the efforts of the Christian marketing machine, there's absolutely nothing that can "add" to Jesus and give us more. However, there's so much more of Jesus that we have never even bothered to access, all because we're just fine, thank you. Lord, help us to change. And please - me first.

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