Yep, that's me. Riding in Brian's back pocket. We got an early start - me in the back, Brian in the, uh, rider's seat? Whatever. We started with a pretty big climb - here's the view from the top!
Brian rode that one strong. But then the fun started. First, a 38 mile (yes, you read that right) downhill, including one of the most beautiful descents you can imagine into a small Italian town. It was part of wine country, so the smell of grapes was EVERYWHERE! Made me hungry. Brian too, since he had this minor misunderstanding that the group was stopping for lunch. But we didn't. In fact, that meant that Brian had a bottle of water, a bottle of a sports drink, a small energy gel pack and some jelly beans. All day. After a smaller breakfast than normal. By far.
For those of you that aren't bikers, that's not good. To make matters worse, the last 24K of the day was up the second most difficult climb of the course that we'll ride - Alpe d'Suise. So, without food or drink, we started. Bad idea. About 8K into the climb, Brian "bonked". Again, for non-bikers - that's completely run out of energy and the body won't really do what's it's told. Then, severe dehydration: cracking lips, no spit, sweating salt not water, etc. Yuck. However, all of that was still doable - we climbed slowly, but kept going. However, at the 10k from the top mark, cramps kicked in. Small at first, but by 6K from the top, there were at least 6 in the legs and another in the left foot - so every pedal stroke was painful. So we finally stopped to try to stretch. Then we walked. Then we tried to ride. Then the cramps started again - immediately. We found a nice restaurant that gave us water, but too little too late. It was over. We finally walked as far as the 3K mark, but the road was closed at that point for the race. So, we didn't quite make it to the top. We did make it to this view, but... too sore to enjoy it.
That was the deal today. Many lessons learned. Eat more. Bring food. Get more water along the way. Start a bit slower. Eat more bananas... By the way, Nurse Sarah - he did start with a banana this morning! I watched hungrily...
So, now we're at a cool campground. Here I am, in front of the mountain that's outside our tent. The one that Brian's headed to right now - for sleep!! Good night everyone!
OUCH!!! Praying for you bro.
Great photos! Now you know why we loved living in the Alps... indescribable!
Brian-bananas are heavy if you have to carry them don’t. Take some type of bread instead. If you keep your carbs up while riding your Glycogen level will not deplete and you should not cramp. Drink a lot of water even if you do not think you need it. If you get to tired stay back with Mario (kidding Mario, I still Love you). If you can get Bananas along the way that’s good however; that’s a lot of weight to carry and that monkey in your jersey may decide he needs them more!
Also, when your riding keep your knees and elbows in and heels out! That should help with cramping and it is good posture.
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