Friday, May 01, 2009

Almost there!

Posts have slowed down as preparations have ramped up. I'd love to say that I'm physically ready, but I just have no idea about that. I'm not sure I know what "ready" is. The work prep is almost all done, so that's nice. Emotionally - well, again, I'm not sure what ready will look like. And then there's the off chance that swine flu closes all international flights...

The kids are doing well as the day gets nearer. I think they're starting to get excited about it. Tomorrow or Sunday or Monday we'll go out and look for a "Beanie Baby" to make the trip with me. In fact, there will probably be several blog posts that he "writes" for me!

The spiritual dynamic of this is probably the most interesting to me. I hope that I'll be able to push through the missing of family and the difficulty of the task and simply "be" for awhile. I wonder what I'll hear during that time. I do long for that kind of dedicated closeness with God, and to bring it back to daily life.

Well, a week from now I'll be on a plane somewhere over the Atlantic... Incredible.

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